
Yo!Coach V3.0 Released- Offering Radical Flexibility with Advanced Features


Amidst the era of cutting-edge technology, where global competition is high and skill sets rapidly change, Yo!Coach has been equipped with advanced features and functionality to meet the evolving needs of online tutoring and consultation businesses. Here, in this article, we discuss updates and refinements that are done in Yo!Coach V3. 

What’s New? 

Lesson Subscription- Learners will get an option to subscribe to a tutor’s lessons for a month. Post which the lesson subscription will be charged from the learner’s wallet. The subscription will expire if there is not enough money in the wallet. 

Group Class Package Management- Tutors can create a series of group classes. These will be available to the learners for enrollment and will be listed as a package. 

Theme Management- The admin can now manage the theme of the emails and the platform by selecting the brand’s colors as primary and secondary colours. This primarily helps with branding. 

Bank Transfer Payment Gateway- Learners can now select bank transfer as a payment method. The payment will be done through an offline payment method and based on receipts submitted by the learner, the admin will mark the lesson payment as paid. 

Inline Scheduling- While booking a session, learners can now schedule their lessons. Moreover, an availability calendar allows learners to schedule more than one lesson at a time.


UI Upgrades- Features have been categorized under the relevant menu and even the admin theme has been modified for better engagement and customer acquisition.

Order Listing and Details in Admin and User Dashboards- For a more summarized view, details have been added to the admin dashboard. Similarly, details regarding transactions, time, and users have been added to the order listing. 

Admin Reports- To view refunds, commission and teacher payouts, settlement reports have been added

Learner Withdrawl Request from the WalletIf sufficient funds are available, this feature facilitates learners to withdraw money from their wallets

Speed IncreaseThe code has been refactored to increase the speed. Now, the total number of users that can load in less than a second is more than 50,000.

Want to know more about Yo!Coach V3 ?


Yo!Coach V3 has been launched to drive sustainability across the online tutoring and consultation space and in effect, enable business outfits to do more. For more information, feel free to get in touch with us.

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